Monday, January 15, 2007

Chinese shot down a satellite and sipping their tea all the way to the bank

The Chinese shot down their own satellite after three tries with a rocket. We did it 25 years ago but we didn't think anyone else could do it. But they did and now the world knows.
They'll float their bright dragons and colorful streamers when they host the Olympics in 2008 and don't forget, they make just about everything in Walmart.
One of their companies with ties to the PLA is running the steamers through the Panama Canal. They continue to buy oil from the Sudan where George Clooney is documenting to Oprah about janjaweed rebels, backed by the government, killing over a half amillion people and displaced more than two million.
But I'm rambling about the Chinese because they do more than drink Chai Tea and burn incense.
They are considered a developing country but did you know they have more internet users banging away on blogs, chat rooms and email than a US teen with a cell phone.
And they are the nation to follow in Asia. Most of the newspapers are available and read in Chinese.
None of this should surprise anyone considering their history is thousands of years longer than ours.
The great wall is crumbling or excavated for homes but they can shoot down a satellite. Just something to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.